

You matter and you are loved. No matter what struggle, or bad situation you're going through, turn it into something positive and push yourself forward.

I'm always available if you need someone to talk to!

Suicide Hotline Numbers:Argentina: 0800-345-1435
Australia: 13-11-14
Belgium: 1813
Canada: 1-833-456-4566
Chile: (00 56 42) 22 12 00
Columbia: (57-1) 372-24-25
Denmark: 70 201 201
France: 01 45 39 40 00
Germany: 0800 111 0 111
Hong Kong: 2389 2222
Ireland: 999 or 116
Mexico: 55 5533-5533
New Zealand: 1737
Singapore: 1767
South Africa: 0800 567 567
Spain: 717 003 717
Sweden: 90101
Switzerland: 143
UK: 116 123 or 0800 58 58 58
US: 988